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K-dramas sparking your cravings for Seafood Ramen? Here’s the perfect recipe

ByZarafshan Shiraz, New Delhi

Are you even a true K-drama fan if you do not engage with the visuals on a sensory level and find yourself transported to the bustling streets of Seoul while immersing in the sights, sounds and most importantly, the flavours of South Korea set in cozy noodle shops or bustling food markets or trendy restaurants that especially feature the protagonists indulging in steaming bowls of seafood ramen? The mere recall of their expressions of delight and on-screen palpable satisfaction is enough to make us crave a droolworthy bowl of piping hot seafood ramen.

K-dramas sparking your cravings for Seafood Ramen? Here’s the perfect recipe (Photo by Chowman Chain of Restaurants)

So this weekend night, we are letting the K-dramas be our source of inspiration as we straighten our chef’s hat to recreate a comforting dish of seafood ramen in our own kitchen with this scrumptious recipe –

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Shrimps- 8 to 10 pcs

Squid -8 to 10 pcs

Fish -0.03 gm

Boiled egg -1whole

Boiled noodles -0.15gm

Chinese cabbage -0.02gm

Dice carrot -0.008gm

Pak choi -1 to 2 sticks

Broccoli -0.02gm

Baby corn -1 whole

Button mushroom -0.02gm

Black fungus-0.002gm

Green zucchini- ½ Pc

Yellow zucchini- ½ Pc

Fresh red chilli-2to 3 (depending on spice tolerance)

Nori Sheet-1 whole (cut into square pieces)

Water – 1 pot

Salt -as per taste

Sugar-as per taste

White pepper-0.001 gm

Light soya -2 tablespoons

Dark soya -1 ½ tablespoon

Oyster sauce -1 teaspoon

Wine- 1 ½ tablespoon

Sesame Seeds (black & white) – ½ teaspoon


  • First, take a pot of filtered water and heat it on a stove till it starts boiling. Boil an egg, deshell & keep aside.
  • Add a few pinches of salt and one by one, start putting the shrimp, squid, fish and chicken and start steaming them.
  • This will be followed by pouring in all the exotic veggies, some white pepper, salt & sugar along with oyster and soya sauces.
  • Now add the noodles to boil and top it off with nori sheet, white wine.
  • Garnish with sliced red chillies, and Black & white sesame and place the boiled egg sliced into two halves.

(Recipe: Chef Ram Bahadhur Budhathoki, Head Chef)


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