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Digital Marketing

How to Get Backlinks: An Honest Answer

First, we have someone offering us to pay for it: Then there’s someone else, framing their backlink request as a “guest post opportunity”: And finally, here’s the most professional one of the three. This email looks fairly well written, but……

ChatGPT for SEO? You’re Using It Wrong.

Everyone in SEO uses ChatGPT. But even after all these months, I still see many folks using it wrong. Let’s explore three common mistakes and how you can fix them. Mistake 1: Asking it questions it doesn’t have the answer to Believing…

Enterprise SEO Metrics & How to Report On Your Successes

Enterprise SEO metrics are key performance indicators (KPIs) used to measure the effectiveness of your SEO efforts. Monitoring these metrics helps you prove value and shows the success of your SEO program. You’ll create a lot of different SEO reports…

Headless SEO Explained + 6 Best Practices

Put simply, a headless content management system (CMS) separates a website’s content from its design and code. It functions differently from a traditional CMS, like WordPress, and therefore requires different considerations for SEO as well. While general SEO best practices and…

14 Ways to Improve Ecommerce Product Pages for SEO

For e-commerce websites, optimizing product pages is one of the most critical aspects of SEO. Optimized product pages enhance the user experience and rank better for long-tail search terms, which typically have lower competition and high commercial intent. This is vital…

How To Do an Enterprise SEO Audit

An enterprise SEO audit looks at large enterprise websites to find issues and opportunities that will improve rankings and visibility on search engines. The basics are the same as any other SEO audit. Yet, an audit like this is an…

I Wrote 100+ Blog Posts for the Ahrefs Blog. Here’s What I Learned.

I’ve finally hit the milestone: 100 blog posts for the Ahrefs blog. So, I decided to reflect on my journey. I did two Ask Me Anything (AMA) sessions to see what people wanted to know: one on Twitter X and…

I Tested Premium AI Prompts To See if They’re Worth It. They’re Not.

Get the week’s best marketing content We spent ~$80 to purchase five premium ChatGPT prompts and ran a blind test among the members of our marketing team to see if they were worth it. Long story short: They aren’t. The experiment…

Top Google Searches

Are you wondering what people in the U.S. (and around the world) are searching for the most? Then you’re in luck! We’ve pulled four lists from our database of 20.4 billion keywords: Top 100 Google searches in the U.S. # Keyword…

Articles We Loved in Q4 2023

We’ve shared many great reads in our newsletter over the last quarter. I thought it would be cool to put together a list of articles that stood out—the ones that resonate with our community and spark ideas and inspiration for…