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Digital Marketing

Cannibalization’s Good Twin (SEO Study)

At Ahrefs.com we’ve got 9.7k cases of multiple rankings. It’s when a site ranks for a keyword with more than one page. Now, classic SEO theory says that if you rank with more than one page for a keyword, it’s a…

How to Visualize Ahrefs Data with ChatGPT

SEOs have access to so much data that sometimes, it’s hard to know what to do with it all. I’ve been experimenting with visualizing Ahrefs data using GPT-4, so I thought I’d share the results with you all. We’ve already launched…

AI Content Is Short-Term Arbitrage, Not Long-Term Strategy

For a few hundred bucks, you can hit the big red “publish” button and use generative AI to write every article you’ve ever wanted to write. It’s sorely tempting. But beyond the short-term dopamine hit of publishing a thousand articles…

Top 100 Most Visited Websites (US and Worldwide)

Looking for a list of the most popular websites in the US and Worldwide in 2024? We’ve pulled the top 100 most visited sites by organic traffic from our database. Top 100 most visited websites in the world # Domain Traffic 1…

30 Metrics for Every Marketing Role

Marketing is full of things that can be measured (known as metrics), but not all metrics make good key performance indicators. To choose the right KPIs: Tailor them to your role. Different marketing roles need different levels of detail in their…

The No-Nonsense Guide to Competitive Intelligence

Competitive intelligence (CI) sounds like hogwash to some and a holy grail to others. Many organizations try it out and chalk it up to “an expensive, fruitless endeavor.” Truth is, they’re doing it wrong. In this no-nonsense guide, we’ll go beyond…

How to Use Ahrefs and ChatGPT to Improve Your SEO

If you’re an Ahrefs user, you can combine our data with ChatGPT to improve your SEO. Here are some of the best use cases. 1. Fill missing subtopics in existing content If a page is outranking you, it could be because it…

The Anatomy of a Well-Optimized Page

Product pages are where the final decision to purchase a product is made. By optimizing them for SEO (and adding a sprinkling of UX), you’ll increase the chances of attracting more visitors and converting them into loyal customers. In this…

Free SEO Plan Template (With Video Walkthrough)

Ranking in Google is the same (or at least very similar) for everyone. That’s why it’s essential to have an SEO plan template you can use time and time again. So… we created one for you. Download the SEO plan template Looking…

SEO Data. Explained in 4 Minutes, 53 Seconds

Here’s a 5-minute, beginner-friendly introduction to each of them. Organic traffic data refers to how often people visit your website through unpaid search results. Key data How to get it To get organic traffic data from Google, set up a……