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Can Employment Lawyers Assist With Constructive Dismissal Claims?

Employment Lawyers Assist With Constructive Dismissal Claims

If your employer makes significant changes to your job without your consent, you may be entitled to file a constructive dismissal claim. This is a type of claim that you can make before you have resigned and can be quite valuable, providing compensation for lost earnings and other losses. This is different from a wrongful dismissal claim, which you can file after you have resigned and can result in significant damages for your employer.

While a wrongful dismissal lawyer handles many employment law issues, an employment lawyer Toronto is skilled at dealing with situations that involve major workplace changes and can assist you with these claims. The key is recognizing the signs of this type of situation.

There are many factors to consider when determining whether your circumstances meet the requirements of a constructive dismissal claim, including the impact on your salary, the nature of the change and how it affects you in your everyday work. The change must also be unreasonable, and it cannot simply be the result of a business decision or an economic factor.

Can Employment Lawyers Assist With Constructive Dismissal Claims?

Major changes to your job that can lead to a constructive dismissal include the requirement of a new work-from-home arrangement, the requirement to relocate or switch locations, significant shifts in your daily duties and tasks, and any reductions in pay. Minor adjustments, such as the introduction of new technology or software, might not be considered a constructive dismissal issue, as well as changes that are necessary in the course of your employer’s business operations and growth.

Whether your employer’s actions are considered to be a constructive dismissal will often depend on the wording in your employment contract, so be sure to thoroughly read through it before any significant changes occur. You can also review any verbal conversations you have had with your employer that might indicate what types of changes might be allowed under your contract.

A skilled employment lawyer can help you to assess your situation and determine if your case meets the requirements of a constructive dismissal claim. You should never quit your job and claim a constructive dismissal without first seeking the advice of an experienced employment lawyer in Toronto. The process is risky and can be costly if you do not have a sufficient amount of notice or time to prepare your case properly.

It is always best to seek the advice of an experienced employment lawyer before deciding whether to accept a major change in your work situation. Your employment lawyer will be able to provide you with detailed advice and guidance about your options, including negotiating a severance package. They will also be able to advise you on your rights and entitlements, as well as any other potential compensation options that you might have available to you. By seeking the advice of an experienced employment lawyer in Ontario, you can make informed decisions about your future career. This will ensure that you are receiving the full and fair compensation to which you are entitled.


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