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5 tasty diabetes-friendly recipes for your Holi party

Holi, the festival of colours and delightful delicacies, is round the corner. The festival is as much about playing colours with loved ones as it’s about enjoying delicious food with friends and relatives. While Holi celebrations aren’t complete without mouthwatering traditional desserts, for people with diabetes, the choices are limited and temptations abound. To make sure you are able to indulge in sweet treats this Holi without raising your blood sugar levels, there are some diabetes-friendly options that people with the metabolic condition can have. However, moderation is the key and one should still balance their meals with sufficient amount of fibre, protein and other essential vitamins and nutrients. (Also read | Holi 2024: 6 DIY tips to make natural colours at home; Here’s how you can play a safe Holi)

Holi 2024: Here are recipes that people with diabetes can enjoy this Holi.

Chef Nitin Pal Singh, Co-Founder Cook And Bake Academy, Founder NPS Hospitality Services, shares recipes that people with diabetes can enjoy this Holi.

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1. Whole Wheat Nutty Cake


190 gm yogurt

1 gm baking soda

120 gm whole wheat flour

2 gm baking powder

100 gm jaggery

80 gm vegetable oil

1/2 tsp vanilla essence

40 gm milk

30 gm chopped almonds


  • Grease a 6-inch circular pan with oil and line it with parchment paper.
  • Sieve whole wheat flour and baking powder together in another bowl and set it aside.
  • For the wet ingredients, combine yoghurt, jaggery and vegetable oil and whisk till everything is well combined.
  • Add in vanilla and milk and mix.
  • Combine the dry ingredients with the wet ingredients and bring the batter together.
  • Transfer batter in the prepared baking pan and sprinkle chopped almonds all over the top.
  • Bake at 180 degree celsius in a pre-heated oven for 30 – 35 minutes or until the skewer comes out clean.
  • Allow it to cool and cut into slices and serve.

2. Baked Gujiya


2 cups whole wheat flour

¼ cup ghee

1 cup desiccated coconut

½ cup cashews chopped

1/4 cup pistachios chopped

¼ cup raisins

1 tsp saffron strands

2 tsp cardamom powder

1½ cup jaggery powder

¼ tsp salt

2-3 tbsp milk

For garnishing

1 tbsp pistachios chopped


  • To make the dough, mix the flour with the ghee and salt. Add lukewarm water gradually so as to form a soft dough. Cover it and keep it aside.
  • In the meantime, add ghee in a pan and roast the desiccated coconut along with the nuts , raisins for 2-3 minutes, on medium flame. Keep it aside to cool down.
  • Add it in a bowl and mix in ½ cup jaggery powder, saffron and cardamom powder. Combine well.
  • Come back to the dough and roll in circular shape and line them into gujiya mould.
  • Put your filling and seal gujiya properly, cut out the extra dough.
  • Carefully open the mould, ease the gujiya out of it, line them on a baking tray and brush with milk.
  • Bake in a preheated oven, at 200 degrees C, for 15 to 20 minutes.
  • Remove, garnish your healthy and baked gujiya, with the sliced pistachios and serve. Enjoy!

3. Baked cups with spicy Bhel


Wonton sheets – 6 pcs

Chopped tomato – 1 pc

Chopped onion – 1 pc

Chopped coriander – 15 gm

Chopped green chili – 2 pc

Pomegranate seeds – 15 gm

Lemon – 1 no

Bhujia – 15 gm

Roasted peanuts – 15gm

Chat masala – 5gm

Red chili powder – 2 gm

Salt – To taste

Coriander Sprig – 5 gm


  • Take wonton sheets and line them in a greased tart moulds.
  • Bake it in a preheated oven at 160 ◦C for about 10 minutes.
  • Now make filling – Add all chopped ingredients (tomato, onion, coriander, green chili) and mix in the bowl. Add spices, lemon juice and mix.
  • Add Pomegranate on top.
  • Decorate with bhujiya, coriander sprig and peanuts.

4. Holi Truffle


1 cup almonds

⅓ cup desiccated coconut

10 – 14 medjool seedless dates

⅓ cup almond butter

Coating Ingredients

crushed pistachio as needed

crushed almonds as needed

Dry Strawberries crushed as needed


  • Slightly toast the almonds and desiccated coconut. Let them cool before grinding.
  • Add dates, almonds and coconut in the food processor. Pulse it few times till the almonds break down.
  • Add the almond butter and blend again till the whole mixture comes together.
  • Roll the mixture in to small dumplings.

For coating

Coat the balls in desired flavour- crushed almonds/ pistachio/ dry strawberry.

5. Whole wheat Eggless Chocolate & Orange Cake


90 g whole wheat flour

10 g cornflour

30 g unsweetened cocoa powder

1/4tsp instant coffee powder

1/2tsp baking soda

1/4 tsp baking powder

1/4 tsp salt

110 g brown sugar

60 ml sunflower oil

125 ml warm milk

12.5 ml yoghurt

1 tsp white vinegar

* 1/2 tsp vanilla extract

* 1 tsp orange zest

* 40 g freshly squeezed orange juice


Dark Chocolate – 75g

Dairy Cream – 50g

Orange slices – 2 no.


  • Grease and line the loaf pan with oil and baking paper. Preheat your oven to 180◦C.
  • Add all the dry ingredients i.e., flour, baking powder, baking soda, cocoa powder, instant coffee and salt in a bowl.
  • In a small bowl, warm up the milk.
  • Add the sugar and yoghurt into this and stir until the sugar is dissolved.
  • Now add the vinegar, vanilla, orange zest, orange juice and oil. Stir until combined.
  • Sift the dry ingredients into the wet ingredients.
  • Pour this mixture into the prepared cake pan and bake it in a preheated oven at 180◦C for 30 – 35 minutes
  • Let the cake cool down completely inside the pan on a wire rack before removing.
  • Make ganache – melt chocolate and cream together and pour on cake.
  • Coat orange slices in sugar and bake at 100 degree for about 20 minutes.
  • Decorate cake orange slices on top.


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